18 Giugno 2013

Development of cultural tourism in Sarajevo, Mostar, and Skopje


Development of cultural tourism in Sarajevo, Mostar, and Skopje


Bosnia and Herzegovina, Old town Mostar
Old town Mostar

Areas of intervention

Bosnia and Herzegovina: Sarajevo, Mostar
Macedonia: Skopje
To improve the cultural tourist offer and the valorisation oftangible and intangible cultural heritage in Baščaršija in Sarajevo, Stara Skopska Čaršija in Skopje and in the old town of Mostar
Region Tuscany (lead partner), Region Piedmont (Italy), Canton of Sarajevo, Cities of Sarajevo and Mostar, Municipality of Stari Grad – Sarajevo (B&H), City of Skopje (MK)
Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Region Tuscany (Italy)

Bosnia Erzegovina, Handycraft on display in Lukomir
Handycraft on display in Lukomir

Within the framework of the first phase of SeeNet Program, Sarajevo, Mostar and Skopje Local Authorities collaborated with their Tuscan counterparts on the promotion and strengthening of their cultural tourism offers.

At the end of the Program, partners expressed their will to continue cooperation on the protection and enhancement of their cultural heritage which would benefit tourism, focusing on some features that are common to the three cities: the presence of an old town centre, with a high artistic-cultural value and significant tourism potential.
Through a common intervention strategy, plannedactivities include strengthening South East European partner institutions in the management of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, the improvement of knowledge about partner cities’ cultural, ethnographic and craft resources, the creation of theintegrated cultural systems that include public and private operators in cultural and tourism sectors, and the introduction of innovative policies in the enhancement, protection and promotion of cultural heritage of Baščaršija in Sarajevo, Stara Čarsija in Skopje and the Old Town of Mostar.
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