22 Luglio 2014

Launch of the campaign for bird species protection on adriatic flyway


Launch of the campaign for bird species protection on adriatic flyway


Birds without borders”, is the title of the awareness raising campaign on fighting against poaching and the protection of the birds habitats. The campaign is initiated by Oxfam and Centre for bird protection and research, in cooperation with partners Naše Ptice and  Novi val  from Bosna and Herzegovina, and Tivat Municipality from Montenegro. The campaign is part of project « ORNIBA-Bird species protection in the Balkans – Joint intervention of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro”.This intervention is primarily directed at the protection of Hutovo blato in BiH and Tivatska solila in Crna Gora, as part of the Adriatic flyaway.

mali vranac

Campaign was implemented on 19th and 20th  July 2014, at boarder crossing Zubci-Sitnica, between Trebinje (BiH) and Herceg Novi (Montenegro), in cooperation with the Border crossing police of both countries. Visitors were informed on the problems related to the fighting against poaching, birds habitat protection in this flyway, as well as the establishment of watchdog initiative, which were the main goals of this campaign.  At the border crossing, the visitors were also informed on how they can help to protect birds habitats, and that all irregularities spotted can be reported at www.orniba.ba
Up to date there were 249 birds species registered at Hutovo blato, permanently or temporarily habituating there, out of which two have been identified as the most endangered: Phalacrocorax carbo and Aythya nyroca. At Tivat Solila there are 113 birds species registered up to date, while two most endangered are Platalea leucorodia and  Grus grus.

njorkaHaving in mind that birds to not recognise the borders, ORNIBA project encompasses various forms of cross border cooperation, with “Birds without the borders” campaign as important integral part, in addition to establishment of cross-border network of environmental NGOs, joint participation at the trainings and in awareness raising campaigns, as well as joint collection and presentation of data at the conferences, and through the documents in support to creation of Action plan for bird species protection, which is the final goal of all activities.
Awareness raising campaign on fighting against poaching and the protection of the birds habitats is part of project «ORNIBA-Bird species protection in the Balkans – Joint intervention of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro.
The project is funded by the European Union through Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) in the framework of the Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro.

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