
External consultant on social innovation

ONG: Oxfam Italia
Posizione: External consultant on social innovation
Dipartimento: Programmi
Paese: italy
Sede: remotely
Tipologia: Lavoro
Contratto: Consultancy
Durata: 1 month
Disponibilità: by August 2022
Scadenza candidature: 16/05/2022

Oxfam Italia is hiring an external consultant to conduct an in-depth cross-projects analysis on social innovation initiatives within the ENI MED funded project MedRiSSE!

1 month mandate to analyze and review the social innovation practices experimented in 5 promising projects part of MedRisse.

Solid experience in assessing multi-country social economy development projects and good  knowledge of the MENA region are among the priority requirements for such assignment.

Deadline for submitting applications: 16th of May 2022

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